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건강한 아름다움! 한방디톡스 다이어트 프로그램 4주

4주 디톡스 10-20lbs 감량 (개인차이)

장청소& 독소, 노폐물 제거로 부종, 체지방/내장지방 감소/ 체질, 면역력, 혈액순환 개선/ 고혈압, 콜레스테롤 조절/

만성피로, 생리통, 생리불순 회복/ 내장지방 감소

프로그램 구성: 디톡스한약, 체성분 분석, 지방분해침, 슬림경락 (괄사), 부항, 석션마사지 


Detox Weight Loss Program/ Metabolic Detox

Natural and better way to lose your weight and stay healthy

4 weeks Program

Included: House-made herbal decoctions or herbal pills, dietary supplements, electro-lipolysis acupuncture, body composition analysis, cupping, gua sha (scrapping), and tui-na

- Helps your body by charging the metabolism- promoting proper digestion, and aiding in the optimization of the digestive tract to boost your immune system and blood circulation.

-Our program is designed to stimulate the body's ability to process excess fats & water retention and stimulate the blood circulation.

- Aids your body in cleansing and purifying itself of toxins and waste; boosts your metabolism and energy level, helps get rid of excess water and reduces body fat.

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