부작용 없는 한방미용으로 건강하게 아름다워 지세요
한방 미용성형은 오직 ‘침’만으로 시술하기에 부작용이 없습니다. RF Microneedle 을 사용하여 진피층의 콜라겐 엘라스틴 합성을 유도하여 피부의 항산화 효과를 촉진시킵니다. 인위적인 약물이나 보형물을 사용하지 않아 안전하고 흉터가 남지 않으며 회복기간 없이 바로 일상생활이 가능합니다. 피부는 물론 안면의 경혈들을 자극하여 오장육부의 조화를 이루게하여 우리 몸의 '자연 치유력' 을 높이도록 도와줍니다. 4-12주 마다 정기적으로 치료 받을 시 더 좋은 효과를 얻으실 수 있고 치료시간은 2시간 정도 소요 됩니다.
Cosmetic Acupuncture (Micro-Needling with Radio Frequency)
The procedure involves penetration of insulated microneedles into the dermis to deliver high-tensioned radiofrequency pulse into the targeted tissue. This results in the body’s own production of elastin and collagen fibers, making skin firmer and healthier. Our machine – RF combines with the microneedling, so the RF heat is not on the outside layer of the skin, it penetrates much deeper, leaving the top skin layer cool.
The microneedles are driven directly into the skin at a certain depth, and radiofrequency energy is then released inside of the skin. This gives a more uniformed deep tissue warming that will then stimulate the collagen and new collagen fibers are produced. The procedure involves penetration of insulated microneedles into the dermis to deliver high-tensioned radio frequency pulse into the targeted tissue. This results in the body’s own production of elastin and collagen fibers, making skin firmer and healthier. The needle tip contains 49 very small needles acting as an internal conductor and delivers several dozen pricks about 3-5 millimeters deep into your skin. The device also shoots radiofrequency energy into your skin to treat scars and wrinkles and yield a fuller, more youthful look.
To make you comfortable, before the procedure, you’ll be given a topical numbing agent for the area to be treated. The face is numbed for 40-50 minutes before starting. The whole face session would take approximately 30 minutes to do depending on the area and pain threshold. The whole procedure of one treatment session is about 2 hours long. Immediately after the procedure, the face is warm, red and swollen. After a few days the needle marks will disappear, and your face will start to feel tighter and more lifted. (Applying Dr. Grandel ampules recommended)
Microneedling Does NOT Leave Holes in Your Skin
Microneedling RF treatment does create controlled injuries in the skin, but it does not leave your face resembling an aerated front lawn. The needle punctures are so small that, unaided, no one can see them, even close up. The effect, however, is that your skin may look flushed, but this passes soon.
The purpose of creating these microscopic punctures is to stir collagen growth so you heal faster and look more youthful, which is why you’re considering the procedure in the first place.
After a few treatments you will see a noticeable difference, it will help both with wrinkles, skin tightening, rejuvenation, reduce pore size etc.
The combination of microneedles and radiofrequency leads to a more substantial improvement in skin quality and texture. This combination also allows the procedure to treat a variety of concerns such as skin tightening and brightening, pore size reduction and stretch marks. It is also effective in scar treatment.
A minimum of three sessions is recommended for optimal results. It’s common, as well, to undergo touch-up procedures to maintain your appearance. It is highly recommended that 4-12 weekly treatments are scheduled for best and lasting results.
Minimally invasive
Shorter procedure time and downtime
Lower risks such as post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation and scarring
Micro-needling makes the columns for healing in the skin and induces the growth factor in order to derive the mechanism of the natural recovery. Its effectiveness is similar to peeling, but its damage on epidermis is minimized. Thus, the treatment is safe as non-ablative treatment with minimal pain.
Direct RF emission on the target tissue by Fractional RF thermolysis (Thermal damage by sengmented RF Emission)
Effective delivery of valid ingredients through the expansion of intercellular route.
Included in this treatment: collagen boost mask, plus Dr Grandel cell repair ampule
Mild redness and swelling may occur a few hours and up to 24 hours after treatment. Massage and excessive sun exposure should be avoided at this time. More aggressive treatments may result in skin flaking as the new skin layer regenerates. Our ampoules (Dr. Grandel) and broad-spectrum sunscreens are highly recommended during this recovery phase.
For better results, we recommend you take a package. This will give you better, more visible results, that last much longer than single treatments.